By Elcam - 16/10/2013 08:22 - Belgium

Today, I replaced a usually fun collegue's picture of his kids with a picture of my face against glass, so it looked I was inside the screen. Everyone laughed, but he reported me because I tried to "erase his children" and "if anything happens to them" it's now my fault. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 829
You deserved it 5 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is only possible if you're Frankendoodle and you have Spongebob's magic pencil.


That's awesome. I'm going to do that to one of my coworkers!

Xquisite1 28

Do NOT shine a laser pointer through his window on his kids. He will then foil your attempt to snipe his kids. Lol

I think murdering all his colleagues children for the sake of irony is the only reasonable course of action here

...if that were possible I think the earth would be very..very empty now XD anyways just ignore the guy and move on!

YDI. Don't mess with people's children. It doesn't matter what kind of relationship you have with the person.

It was a picture of his kids, not his actual kids. Are you the infamous coworker?

Yes 46, because temporarily replacing the picture of his kids will immediately hurl them into another dimension, never to be seen again. Grow up.

Well if you can't make jokes in an office, where can you? This joke is completely harmless and pretty funny. People shouldn't always be so easily offended

It kinda sounds like he's trying to troll you o.0 but good luck

This is how far into the connects I had to go before someone said he was trolling you.

doglover100 28

It's not like you erased the picture, it should be in his photos.

STAY AWAY FROM SUCH PEOPLE, I see a life full of problems with U & him ahead