By Anonymous - 26/09/2015 06:40 - United States - Cary

Today, I resorted to buying some expensive flowers and sending them to my boss anonymously with a mysterious love letter, just to get her to lighten the hell up and stop constantly harassing and berating me over every little thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 244
You deserved it 2 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn man, that's some desperate measures tbh... FYL op, and good luck with the bitchy boss!

Moosebandit 6


you might need something more... extreme... like maybe pay someone to fall in love with her

She's going to be even more crabby once you run out of ways to string her along.

Maybe she just needs a good dicking? That fake love letter won't help lol

I have a similar boss... maybe I should give this a try.

I agree with #22- genius!!! I think you should use your smarts to find a job with a better boss, if you can. You can add this to your resume- "excellent at improving office morale with simple acts of kindness."