By someone - 01/04/2014 19:21 - United States - Point Pleasant

Today, I resorted to the oldest prank in the book: laxatives in the food. Except it wasn't for a prank, but just a desperate attempt to get my clingy boyfriend to leave me the hell alone. I think I'm going to hell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 569
You deserved it 12 681

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you have to go to such drastic measures then maybe you shouldn't be with him.

Perhaps you should just break up with him rather than do him bodily harm... Just a suggestion.


Maybe talk to him about being clingy? But I mean it was nice of you to clean out his system

rocker_chick23 27

Talk to him about being so clingy. If he doesn't listen to you and is still clingy, dump him.

jaylanhollen 3

That's bullshit, it isn't his fault. You selfish BITCH

Hmmm seems like this situation could have been handled a bit differently....

sounds like she has communication issues.

i cant really decide between yls or ydi, i think its hella funny

That's terrible! Even if he is clingy putting something in his food that can make him sick is just plain wrong.

Can't you just leave him and find someone else? But desperate times do cause desperate measures