By someone - 01/04/2014 19:21 - United States - Point Pleasant

Today, I resorted to the oldest prank in the book: laxatives in the food. Except it wasn't for a prank, but just a desperate attempt to get my clingy boyfriend to leave me the hell alone. I think I'm going to hell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 569
You deserved it 12 681

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you have to go to such drastic measures then maybe you shouldn't be with him.

Perhaps you should just break up with him rather than do him bodily harm... Just a suggestion.


Evil_Wench 16

Poisoning someone as opposed to sitting them down and having a conversation is definitely a sign that your relationship is screwed up.

two hours later she regretted doing it based off the fact the he bombarded her bathroom

I'm surprised it didn't turn into him whining for you to take care of him. Did you try talking to him about how clingy he is before you adulterated his food?

I'd KILL for a clingy boyfriend! I don't think telling him would be the best option...

Wow, maybe you should just tell him or break up with him instead of being a diarrhea-giving bitch.

creepychild 2

Warning signs. Warning signs everywhere.