By someone - 01/04/2014 19:21 - United States - Point Pleasant

Today, I resorted to the oldest prank in the book: laxatives in the food. Except it wasn't for a prank, but just a desperate attempt to get my clingy boyfriend to leave me the hell alone. I think I'm going to hell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 569
You deserved it 12 681

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you have to go to such drastic measures then maybe you shouldn't be with him.

Perhaps you should just break up with him rather than do him bodily harm... Just a suggestion.


TcheQ 12

Grow some balls and say you need some alone time. Or alternatively grow some balls.

billiejoe7 10

You should either break up with him or be honest with him because by not telling him he probably doesn't realize he is being clingy

If you're willing to go to such drastic and extreme measures, it's time to break it off.

Use your words and tell him to give you some space.

That is one shitty situa- ENOUGH WITH THAT PUN

superdom 12

Your a real bitch tell him u need some privacy what's next poison the guy I bet he loves u too

grgnyce 8

OP, maybe you should have taken the laxatives yourself; so you'd have that alone time on the thrown!

Sounds like time to break up, you're at that point where you're in a relationship to be in one.