By emogurl - 22/07/2009 05:47 - United States

Today, I returned from a month-long stay in a psych ward for severe depression and suicide attempts. The first words my friends say to me when I call them and let them know I'm out? "Does this mean you're not gonna be so emo? 'cause that was really annoying." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 913
You deserved it 28 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You mean "ex-friends", right? Tell them it's their fault you were in there. Bastards.

I am so sorry and I hope that now you are ok and on the road back to recovery. It annoys the hell out of me that when anybody shows any kind of emoiton they are considered emo, it's as if showing any sign of sadness, depression or any other emotion like that is wrong, its not it is an emotion and if not shown it can lead to dangerous circumstances and situations The next person who say "OMG I was so emo I cried today" I am going to SCREAM !!!


Drummerboy1234 0

"Friends" is obviously not the right word here. try bitches

elise_ewell 0

#353 that was funny. very good one. i feel bad for her. i know what its like to want to die. life doesnt have to suck. think positive. you can do it. i have been getting counsloring and it has helped me a lot.

seracy13 0

**** those it's go get new friends

SuperSeriouslyFM 0

Hmmm...ever considered homicide? I hear it's very therapeutic. J/k, but in all seriousness...your friends are assholes.

JHM81 0

"Ohhh~poor me~ i hate my parents, because im an over entitled little ungreatfull bratt~ waaaaaah~" fake azz story

mymaimy 0

**** you #6. Would u laugh if u were in the same situation? Think before u comment.

xcrashxloved 0

i was depressed and suicidal and my friends said the same thing. apparently i was too much of a downer so they stopped inviting me places, which used to be the thing to cheer me up a little. i feel for you :/ friends dont really get it