By emogurl - 22/07/2009 05:47 - United States

Today, I returned from a month-long stay in a psych ward for severe depression and suicide attempts. The first words my friends say to me when I call them and let them know I'm out? "Does this mean you're not gonna be so emo? 'cause that was really annoying." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 913
You deserved it 28 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You mean "ex-friends", right? Tell them it's their fault you were in there. Bastards.

I am so sorry and I hope that now you are ok and on the road back to recovery. It annoys the hell out of me that when anybody shows any kind of emoiton they are considered emo, it's as if showing any sign of sadness, depression or any other emotion like that is wrong, its not it is an emotion and if not shown it can lead to dangerous circumstances and situations The next person who say "OMG I was so emo I cried today" I am going to SCREAM !!!


Why do people write such BIG comments... i mean seriously, it's to say your opinion, not write your WHOLE life down :/ but anyways, FYL, that's a pathetic thing that your friends did :( i'm sorry

So, you killed your "friends," right?

Laid2Rest6661 0

What did you expect? No one likes emos.

I don't understand... Why are people saying it was his fault. People can't control if they want to kill themselves or not, its chemicals in the brain, its like mind control. It isn't actually YOU thinking

It's easy for people who've never been depressed to pass judgments on those who struggle with mental illness. Just know that you're absolutely not alone. Stay close with the people who make you feel good about yourself. Best of luck to you. By the way, on the day you posted this FML, I was midway through my own psych ward stay for the EXACT same reasons. Being in treatment made the fact that depression is a real medical condition much more real for me.

**** you, you emo ****** just do us all a favor and kill yourself

I see that this is a highly debated and controversial thread, but I’m basically going to say this; I feel allot of sympathy for you emogurl- unlike others I see that you have a serious illness and that you have friends that don’t understand. I know what it’s like, I may not have been treated for this so I guess mines not as bad, but some of my "friends" always do this to me. I'm afraid that we live in a world full of haters and people that do not have the mental capacity to understand and "live a day in someone else's shoos" so to speak. I’m not a person known to "lash out" on people but I have been through this whole, everyone you meet in the school corridors calling you an emo and telling me to go kill myself. Just because insecure little girls (that is directed at guys so no disrespect towards actual girls) - feel the need to vent their feelings of anger from neglect by their drunken parents and unacomplishment-failures-doesn’t make it ok. Long story short: PREJUDICE RETARDS THAT DONT UNDERSTAND OR ARE JUST PLAIN IGNORANT ARE THE ONES THAT SHOULD DIE!

furthermore i do really hope that you can feel better about it. your friends are insensitive as other people have noted. I've been told life is to be enjoyed but you can only really beleive that if you don't have clinicall depression. but anyway i have my fingers crossed for you and the rest of your life and hope it will be a long, fruitfull and happy one. =]

effedupworld 0

Wow. Ignore all the ****** up people who are saying the shittiest things you could ever say. I've been where you've been. I've been in a psych ward for depression and wanting to kill myself. Know that you're strong enough to carry on on your own. Hang in there and btw, you need to start hanging out with people who are supportive of everything you're going through. I wish you the best. If you need anything, you have my screen name.

I'd b like... umm are u trying to make me depressed again...?!