By Anonymous - 03/07/2013 20:56 - United States - Arlington

Today, I returned home from an extended vacation only to find out my cousin wasn't kidding when he said he was going to steal my boyfriend. I thought I was dating a straight guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 407
You deserved it 3 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cottoncandymango 17

Sometimes you just never know...


lzdawgtwo 3

Should tell them both to kick rocks and don't look back

missteacher0107 3

That happened to me! Except it was my boyfriends fraternity brother who kept saying it to me... Exactly a year after he said he'd steal him from me, he did so successfully.

drshn 22

you are pretty.. I am sure you will find someone good enough for you... I mean it :)

He could have been bi to start with, guys don't usually wear signs that they're bi or gay or what ever other sexual orientation. Though I'm sorry that happened.

TheDrifter 23

If only life were the internet, on the internet most people have a sign of some sort that immediately identifies any alternative lifestyle they might live. Real life avatar pics and usernames would make things so much simpler.

ginawater19 13

I just hope you weren't the one to turn him gay.. That's always a bummer. I thank God every day for not making one of my ex's gay. Very embarrassing....

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Dump him because he's a cheater and stop talking to your cousin because he's shady. The sooner you learn these things the better so you can act accordingly.

I knew we lived in a world where you cant even trust family. But gay family too?

clue_me_in 20

Sorry that your now ex bf (hopefully) cheated on you. Now you know to never trust your cousin again.

emmydafox 16

At least they are happy, he is no longer hiding it from you, and you possibly can remain friends if the separation went well. Sorry to her about it at all, OP. But things like this usually look up for the better.

Ins0mau 20

Still, there's probably nicer ways of coming out than cheating on someone. Especially with their family member.

Helldemon 32

Ya, I don't get how you think she could stay friends with that cheating scumbag. Or her worthless cousin.

well at least you can start out fresh! haha