By Anonymous - 03/07/2013 20:56 - United States - Arlington

Today, I returned home from an extended vacation only to find out my cousin wasn't kidding when he said he was going to steal my boyfriend. I thought I was dating a straight guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 407
You deserved it 3 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cottoncandymango 17

Sometimes you just never know...


I didn't know Wallace Wells had a cousin, sorry OP but I wouldn't bring any future boyfriends near him.

Pstraka6 20

Better you found out sooner than later though

Hey, at least your cousin was upfront and honest about it...

oyemba 6

You should thank your cousin. he saw traits that your man wasn't straight and proved his point.

Sounds like you dodged a bullet in all honesty. It's better you find out now rather than after things get really serious. The whole situation does suck though and that was a Grade A dick move by your cousin.

So you weren't worried at all what your cousin meant by steal your boyfriend?

ginawater19 13

I would have laughed in my cousins face. From what i knew about my boyfriend before the trip..

There is nothing wrong with dating someone of a different gender (or the same gender) who is bisexual or even pansexual. The way this fml was written makes it sound like that was more of the issue than the cousin stealing him away.

Silent_Thrill 17

Not really. She was just pointing out that from what she knew he was straight. You can't blame her for being surprised about that. If she had something against gay/bi/pan/or trans people I don't think she would be joking around with her gay or bi cousin about him stealing her boyfriend.

I think you're jumping to conclusions and being overly sensitive.

vanessa09865 23

Yes! People forget that sometimes and it just makes me so mad.

Normally when one's boyfriend or girlfriend turns out to be bi I usually suggest a threesome but since he'd probably want the cousin to be involved I think I'll hold off on that one this time since I don't think Texas is that kinda state.

How about not suggesting a threesome at all. Just because a person is Bisexual doesn't mean they only want a threesome or that its the only time they sleep with a member of the same sex. Lots of bisexual people actually want and have committed relationships with one person at a time and its not all about sex.

ginawater19 13

Someonessssssss a paranoid bisexualllll

Yes, but it's only offensive when non-bisexual people say it, so I'm safe.

Theater_Chef_3 30

No it's offensive no matter who says it