By Anonymous - 03/07/2013 20:56 - United States - Arlington

Today, I returned home from an extended vacation only to find out my cousin wasn't kidding when he said he was going to steal my boyfriend. I thought I was dating a straight guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 407
You deserved it 3 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cottoncandymango 17

Sometimes you just never know...


tpm45 25

I have the same problem as your boyfriend... Didn't completely figure out I was gay until AFTER I had a girlfriend. I seriously wish I were in his situation. Nonetheless, that still sucks for you.

Theater_Chef_3 30

Okay first of all bisexuality is a thing, but second of all that does suck but it's better to know now you had a shitty boyfriend and a really shitty cousin.