By mister_pinky - 15/07/2014 22:04 - United States - Portland

Today, I returned to my teaching job at a local community college after surfing for the weekend. I'd got sunburned, one student immediately noticed and said to me, "Morning, Mr. Pinky!" Now they all do it. My students are assholes. I hate teaching. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 471
You deserved it 8 379

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They probably mess with you because you can't take a joke. I personally love to mess with people who can't take a joke, and I'm sure others do as well

then don't teach as a career. they seem to be messing around all in good fun. you need a sense of humor to be a professor


The students are smooth... Pinkly Smooth...

Somehow Mr. Bronze doesn't sound bad there, Pinky.

Don't take it peronally...the name should fade away your sunburn..they might call you mister tan or something that is a bit more tolerable

At least the joke is bad. I'm sorry you don't like your job.

tehdarkness 21

Sounds like you can't take a joke...

Should have corrected them "excuse yourself - I'm Brain...get it straight" lmao

Agreed. He should've joked around with them. The funny thing is that if he did what you suggest then I doubt they'd call him it for long.

This post really confuses're cool enough to surf, but you're not cool enough to take a simple, good-hearted joke?? If you hate teaching so much, think about what you can do to pursue your dream career! Then teaching will become a means to get there, not the main activity of your life. And Oregon community colleges are by faaaar not the worst place where you could be teaching...