By blabla - 28/10/2011 13:30 - Brazil

Today, I rushed home during a torrential downpour. When I got back, I went to take a pee and took off my wet socks while I had the chance. Once I finished, I stood up with used toilet paper in one hand and wet socks in the other. Guess which I tossed into the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 316
You deserved it 12 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buttsexpirate 9

Umm, umm, umm I can't do it! I just can't do it. Tell me please, the suspense is killing me!

Why would you stand up before using toilet paper? Or- if it was used, why wouldnt you just toss it in right after you used it? Gross- either way.


Throwing out a pair of socks is not as bad as throwing away a $50 bill down the toilet or a cellphone. You can always replace socks easily.

True, just like vomiting on your girlfriend during sex isn't as bad as thermonuclear war, but those vomit FMLs still make it on the site.

perdix 29

Or giving $100 to a hobo who ends up purchasing depraved sexual acts from your mom.

Why didn't you just drop the toilet paper after wiping? Why didn't you just toss your socks aside instead of holding them in your hand when it's wet? Come on now...

perdix 29

Here's my official entry to the contest: You threw the socks down the toilet and wrapped your feet in urine-soaked toilet paper. If this is the winning entry, please donate my prize money to the "Revive the Lambada" Foundation.

mrbendystraw 0

Flush the socks and toilet paper, then go to WalMart and buy some more of both. Problem solved.

The toilet paper! Did I win something?!

yodas0da 12

fish them out with chopsticks & throw them away! if your pro then you've got nothing to worry about

soccerchicx9x 5

.....Why did you stand up with dirty toilet paper in your hand??

I hope you didn't flush! The socks were already wet anyways- so I would have just fished them out, and tossed them in the washer.