By blabla - 28/10/2011 13:30 - Brazil

Today, I rushed home during a torrential downpour. When I got back, I went to take a pee and took off my wet socks while I had the chance. Once I finished, I stood up with used toilet paper in one hand and wet socks in the other. Guess which I tossed into the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 316
You deserved it 12 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buttsexpirate 9

Umm, umm, umm I can't do it! I just can't do it. Tell me please, the suspense is killing me!

Why would you stand up before using toilet paper? Or- if it was used, why wouldnt you just toss it in right after you used it? Gross- either way.


I'm betting on the toilet paper- am I right?

how the hell is this even an FML. ?! boohoo, you have dirty toilet paper in you hand. the world is gonna end!

moemoney8888 7

Just some socks this shouldn't even be an FML, really not a big deal

K410 18

Those socks probably smelled anyway :p

Did you put the used toilet paper on your feet!? =P

Which one did you try putting on your feet?

Who stands up after peeing with the toilet paper in their hand? That's just nasty.