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By eggnoodles - 13/12/2009 05:44 - United States

Today, I woke up to find myself drenched in piss after a long night of drinking. I immediately sprang into action, tossing my bedding in the washer and hopping into the shower. Running late for work, I threw on a nice dress and got into my car. Guess who also peed in the drivers seat? FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 012
You deserved it 53 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

doomking10 0

Yeah, thanks for endangering everyone's lives, bitch. You were so drunk that you pissed yourself twice and don't remember any of it, so you decided driving home would be a good idea?

HiddenAce91 6

wow that sucks so you pissed yourself twice. The FIRST time being when you drove yourself home drunk.


yeah **** you for driving drunk. A girl getting so drunk that she pisses herself is ******* disgusting and unattractive, too.

Carnivwhorus 0

You suck at drinking if you got drunk enough to piss yourself. and to the dude who said its gross for a girl. It's gross for anyone dude. I've seen people way beyond ****** up before, but my friends know when its time to piss and that you shouldnt do it with your pants on...

Jesus!!! what's the matter with you, are you some *******....piss machine?!? shit, I get wasted all the time and I've never pissed myself!

YDI for drinking and driving. Somebody else could have been seriously injured of you got into an accident.

How do people get so drunk that they piss themselves in the car, piss the bed and go to work the next day. I could never drink to the point of pissing all over the place knowing I work the next day. How the ****?!

HiddenAce91 6

wow that sucks so you pissed yourself twice. The FIRST time being when you drove yourself home drunk.

saraitkddh 47

it's a good thing that he arrived safe!

So drunk that not only did you think DRIVING home was a good idea, but you also lost complete control of your bladder? Guess you won against Captain Morgan

HiddenAce91 6

Well I failed to post quick enough darn my reading and rereading over and over and over again.

doomking10 0

Yeah, thanks for endangering everyone's lives, bitch. You were so drunk that you pissed yourself twice and don't remember any of it, so you decided driving home would be a good idea?

npk88 0

agree.... YDI more than almost any other post I've read. If you were so drunk you couldn't remember anything from the night including pissing all over yourself AND endangering the lives of others by driving home drunk you have a SERIOUS problem!! Get some ******* help/self control. And DON'T DRIVE DRUNK!

Yep, OP deserves it for being such an idiot. Plus, how much fun is drinking that much? Seriously think about it, how much fun do you have on a night you don't remember?

gigi37 0

I agree with everyone that posted how stupid and idiotic the OP was. Not only did you get beyond shitfaced (well I guess not since you ONLY pissed yourself) you did it on a night before work; genius. And you drove home, well done there. Seriously OP, I hope you read all these comments and it becomes a wake up call for you Also, I'm not sure what sickens me more- OP, or all the people who voted FYL..hopefully not all of them have done the same thing..

VolleyballSMASH 1

I can only quote every alcohol commercial today- Drink responsibly.

I was going to click FYL, because piss happens. Especially when drinking. But then I realised that you drove home (obviously completely BLIND) drunk. In which case, YDI and more. Apparently, you also don't see anything wrong with this.

YDI someone should take away ur keys. Next time I hope you shit on yourself and hit a tree b4 you hit anyone else.

Dear OP, I really hate selfish retards like you..... I'm sure you can figure out why.....

you could have killed somebody or some PEOPLE. but oh, oh no I'm sorry you onlycare about pissing yourself you incontinent death trap *****.

wake up to yourself drink driving is really ****** stupid suck shit ya pissed ya self