By Tom - 26/06/2009 00:56 - United States

Today, I rushed home to tell my parents my girlfriend had accepted my proposal. They asked how I could be so selfish at a time like this. Apparently, Michael Jackson's death is more important than their son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 870
You deserved it 6 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks, MJ's death was big news but family comes first.

Congrats! Soon you'll have a new family anyway.


i would just be sad that i have the same anniversary as a creepy pedo with bleached skin. f*** your parents

You seem to an incompetent twit.. He had a disorder with his skin pigments which left white patches randomly across his body. So of Course the best he could do was to bleach the rest as suggested by doctor.

ManInTheBox89 0

To those who say YDI, I reply WTF?! It's not like his parents knew MJ personally, and he might not have even heard of his death till he got to his parents. I browse this site on a daily basis when I get free time, and I swear, some people seem to just come here to try and make the OPs feel like a piece of shit, like the OP already doesnt already feel shitty. Anyone who does that kinda stuff are the real pieces of shit to me

What the ****? If he was still producing music, it still wouldn't matter. A pedophile died, THIS IS GOOD. And in any case, the death of a celebrity should under no circumstances overshadow this. Did any of you know mj personally? If not, get the **** over it

laurisshnazzy 0

Go read my reply to #15 and stop being ignorant.

smith_c 0

Ok.MJ was cool nd great when he was black.but after he bleached his skin,but ******* neverland ranch,nd touched lil kids he was a gay pedophile that should have no attention.congads on ur marriage.parents can be assholes,and that is an example.but you can start a new family now,and get mad at ur son for coming home and saying he got engaged on the same day the jonas brothers died

mehwhateverr 0

Ignorance is NOT bliss. "Ok.MJ was cool nd great when he was black.but after he bleached his skin," He has a rare skin disease that turns his skin lighter. I cannot remember what it's called, but if you look at pictures of him from younger to older, you can tell his skin got gradually lighter as he grew up. "but ******* neverland ranch," Do you mean bought? He bought neverland ranch to make little kids happy and feel like magic is real. So what, is Walt Disney a pedophile now, too? This is news to me. "nd touched lil kids he was a gay pedophile" He was found innocent of this. I hate that the media keeps telling people he was guilty. The people who accused him of these crimes probably just wanted his money. P.S. Your spelling sucks.

Yep...its called vitiligo...and unlike other patients who cover up the white spots on their skin, Michael Jackson covered up the dark ones...most likely because it was progressed so far that the majority of his skin was already white and he only had few darker spots...hence easier to cover the dark spots with light make-up than covering whole Michael in dark make-up...

australiaaaa 0

dude. invest in commas. using '...' for everything doesnt even make sense.

mehwhateverr 0

Thanks for reiterating #99 (: And thank you #122 :D

manoverboard 0

Thank you, #43. Thank you.

DeadMansCrack 4
Shizden 0

Get on a 4 foot ledge and tell them your gonna fall to your death. o.O

stringoffail 0

Today, I declined every "Michael Jackson" FML I saw while moderating, and yet TWO got to the front page. FML.

ohhhhshizzz 0

me too, and I saw a BUNCH! I saw one that was like, "Today, Michael Jackson died his ass upstaged my death. I'm Farrah Fawcett FMl" or something, I was like wtf??!

if it was anyone else that died, i'd be seriously pissed. but you should be happy, you will have a new family to put up with verrrry soon.

iCheez 0

Wow, your parents need to prioritise. Family are more important, and MJ wasn't the best person in the world, and better people passed away today

mehwhateverr 0

That's messed up. I mean, as torn up as I am about MJ's death, other things that happen today are still important (like my friend's birthdays, proposals, etc.) And it's not like you knew he was going to die today. YDI BROOOOO!!@~!!~!~! Obvious sarcasm. FYL.

mehwhateverr 0

I meant birthdays in general are important, not just MY friend's.