By WeddingWoes - 03/11/2012 19:42 - United States - Columbia

Today, I sampled some of the food my fiancée's mom is making for our wedding. Everything tasted terrible, and I almost vomited. Turns out she never actually went to culinary school as she claimed, but had just watched Julie and Julia. It's too late to book another caterer for the wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 664
You deserved it 5 703

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheDrifter 23

F your fiancée's life for having to grow up on her terrible cooking.

brittanyrmh_ 12

Julie and Julia is the equivalent to culinary school, didn't you hear?


You're engaged and you've never once tasted her cooking?

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Order out. No point in subjecting your guests to terrible food.

Ranch dressing or BBQ sauce should help a little.

Why did you not get her to give you a small sample when she first offered? As unfortunate as this is, you really should've made sure her cooking was going to be professional enough before the dead-line. Hopefully you figure something out though.

sugarshane007 20

The first rule of major catering is to sample! Always sample! Secondly, you never trust it to someone who ha an emotional stake in the happening, because emotions run high an you don't want anyone's feelings hurt or anything to go haywire. Weddings are already a powder keg waiting I explode in the prep stages with all the planning.

You should have had her cooking before signing her on. Your fiance probably should have known her mom was a shit cook anyway.

Usually people taste the food before they hire

EvilLee 1