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By yum yogurt - 30/10/2011 20:15 - United States

Today, I punched myself in the face while trying to eat a GoGurt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 457
You deserved it 17 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

boredblonde 17

definitely worth it, gogurts are the best!


boredblonde 17

definitely worth it, gogurts are the best!

It would be better had this been a Klondike. What would you do for a Klondike bar???

I'm not really in a googling mood right now so can someone explain what the devil a "gogurt" is?

boredblonde 17

It's amazing flavored yogurt in a really skinny plastic tubey thing that you squeeze to get the yogurt out the top.

pinkpolarbear 8

73, its like a yogurt tube geared towards kids.

gunmania0 12

So it's like a frube. Got'cha.

Buttsexpirate 9

Gogurt? More like Gohurt... Yourself I mean. Dammit never mind

pie29302930 0

How do you even...? Hopefully it wasn't one of those " punch yourself and drop everything when you do." cuz then you've just embarrassed yourself and lost whatever your eating/ drinking.

hollisterfreak52 1

Gogurts are awesome , totally forgot about them! But why in the world would you get punched in the face ? :(

I've done this so many times even with other stuff like unbelievable but I pulled it off..

jake1632 9

I'm thinking that it wasn't a gogurt tube..;)

brettlovesgirls 4

Stupid wiener. Jake1632 your pic kinda looks like my ex.. :0

Glitterhinoceros 14

^So your a homosexual.. I thought you liked girls? That's clearly a man

I've actually punched myself a few times the same wat

GuitarFail123 9
13FTW 9

How's he a dumbass? You never punch yourself in the face when taking in that delicious, white, creamy, mouth watering.... YOGURT. Get your ******* head outta the gutter.

Joshoa123 16

Sometimes you just can't eat that stuff fast enough. It happens.

Like youve never done it, I'm not ashamed to admit it.

kateheartswaffle 0

Absolutely, while you're trying to squeeze it out you were using too much force causing to punch yourself.

LoveKeepsGoing 7

That happened to me before -.-

With a cup of beer anything is possible.

I punched myself in the face while fapping...

flockz 19
nattynatters 14

flockz's comment made me laugh so hard i dropped my phone

sierralovesyou 0

Um that's not something you should admit... Haha smart med student (:

Yes it is it's happened to me before but then I lost my balance and fell (: I'm coordinated

FreshSalad 1

Yes. She could have been squeezing the tube from the bottom to top, hand slips at the top, face close to gogurt, hand hits face.

FreshSalad 1

Yes. He/She is squeezing the gogurt from the bottom to top, hand goes off the top, face close to gogurt, hand hits face. Hope that makes sense. English isn't my first language.

ricerboy 0

How exactly does that happen? O.o

easy. step1:start squeezing the yogurt from the bottom step2:your hand goes too quickly and you punch yourself in the face,and yogurt goes all over your face....

tylersign 11

37, that sounded a lot like directions for.. Something else ;)

FurryRocks 10
FurryRocks 10

Hey I've done that before but how do you do that with Go-Gurt

Alexisthebestest 16

You try to get the last bit of that delicious yogurt out of the tube and your hand slips and hits you in the face. Yeah, you laugh now but it's really easy to do!

FurryRocks 10

Karma hurts bad really bad ow

signuplogin 1

I pictured a Sassy lil girl sayin that with her hand on her hip cuz of the pic of the Wendy's girl

Then there's a certain sexual activity you probably shouldn't try either.

iPhonesha 1
bizarre_ftw 21

74 - Salem? NICE!!!! I'm on the app so email me I want to ask you something