By blonde - 29/09/2010 07:08 - Australia
Same thing different taste
By Forded - 01/09/2010 23:11 - United States
By MERRY FUCKMYARSEMASS - 26/12/2013 20:39 - United Kingdom
By Insomniac - 28/07/2012 09:56 - United States - Wasilla
By someone - 09/12/2013 12:59 - United States - Mogadore
By Joey - 24/07/2012 05:04 - United States - Tampa
By badtiming - 15/09/2010 04:15 - United States
Bad time for insurance denials
By Anonymous - 06/01/2025 05:00 - United States
By Flipside - 02/05/2009 00:46 - United States
Pile up
By neverforgetyourphone - 05/03/2015 01:18 - Canada - Barrie
By merp. - 02/02/2013 06:57 - United States - Wausau
Top comments
first yay
um 87708 ooooohhh!!! take that in a juice box and SUCK IT!!! :P
wow. god really doesn't like you.
It's karma I bet he did somethig wrong earlier that day D:
cops would have been at the scene and they have kits to unlock your door for free. I doubt this is true.
37: A lot of PDs won't do lockouts for liability reasons. You can damage a car pretty easily sometimes. 36: I believe if the car is either a tricky make or is in a particularly dangerous area, some tow companies won't do lockouts. In the former case, they'll take it to a garage; in the latter, they'll move it to a safer location first. If it's up to the driver's discretion, they'll likely tow it, since it's a commission-based job and it's safer for them to move it anyhow.
Our PD does unlocking, but you have to agree that they aren't responsible if your car is damaged.
39- I really don't like you, it's not personal or anything but...there is something I really hate about you.
86: it's obviously her face?
That has nothing to do with karma dipshits.
life has taken a dump on someones life again. I'm sorry op fyl=/
Your username says it all. I have to say ydi now. lol
******* PWNED! +1 interwebs for u!
definitely sucks!! You do a good deed and it back fires lol!
Yep, yesterday I stressed to my friend to be careful not to bust her head open while she goes rock climbing. I even helped her be safe, and I end up busting my head open.. OH WELL..Good deeds do always backfire.
Leave it to the professionals lady. Just do like everyone else and slow down to 10 kph and gawk.
Actually you are supposed to stop if you actually witness the crash, and if no one else has stopped yet, what if someone DID need CPR?
that's what you get for being nice, a faceful of reverse karma.
wow...... you are a horrable person if somone died because YOU dident stop to help you would feel fucken sorry wouldent you???!!!!!!
Pendatic = win
Correct. However, he left out the period.
I'm gonna say YDI because for you to have locked your keys in your car, you would have had to lock it once you got out of it to offer your assistance, and shame on you for thinking that either one of the crash victims was going to jack your shit or someone was going to pull over on the highway next to a car wreck and do so. However, FYL because it's a ****** up world and after hearing some of the stories on this sight, someone just might have.
14: You're forgetting this powerful little thing called "force of habit." When you're distracted, sometimes your body acts independently from your conscious mind.
Lulz. Thanks. My formula goes like this: Common sense + random life experience + Google = my argument/opinion/advice. :]
On the contrary, I believe that if I was in the OP's situation, I would have abandoned all routine and focused solely on the victims of the car crash. Meaning that I wouldn't have remembered to lock my doors unless I had a conscious reason to do so...I probably wouldn't have even shut off my car before attempting to provide my aid. However, that's just me and I think the situation could have adhered to either one of our interpretations.
What kind of shitty roadside assistance service doesn't go on highways??
good point?
Exactly. Someone's wasting money.
Only select companies are allowed to tow on highways. Dunno how it works where you are but most countries own highways and corrupted contracts for extra money is what they do.
Exactly! I can't imagine a more inaccurately named service than 'Roadside Assist' that won't assist at the side of a road! Usefulness fail.
Hang on! I just realised OP is from NSW, Australia, which is my home State! In that case, I'm highly dubious about this story - no roadside assistance organisation that I've ever come across has any restrictions like this, and furthermore, I've seen cars being fixed on the freeways by the NRMA vans (our equivalent to AAA or whatever). Either OP is currently somewhere else, or they genuinely DO have some sort of crappy service no sensible person would sign up for.
Zebidee If you buy a new car that comes with the crappy dealer roadside assist then yeah i would believe it. If it is nrma then they will stop anywhere
Ah, that makes sense (and is one of the few scenarios that does). I can't imagine signing up for a service that worked the way OP described, and besides, NRMA is hardly the most expensive service in the world.
gday blonde. i would change to the nrma as i have seen them on near every freeway and toll way we have. including m4, m5, m7, f3, f2, great western, princes and pacific, oh and the newel and new england :D but hey, great that you stopped.. oh forgot the hume hwy when i broke down lol

What kind of shitty roadside assistance service doesn't go on highways??
Your username says it all. I have to say ydi now. lol