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By merp. - 02/02/2013 06:57 - United States - Wausau

Today, I spun off the road and into a ditch. The insurance company told me I'd have to wait an hour, as they had other cars to tow first. I had to pee so badly that I resorted to using the only thing I had in my car: a plastic bag. That's when I got a knock on my window from the tow truck driver. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 711
You deserved it 6 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you not just pee outside? I would do that before I would use a plastic bag.

Well I honestly think being caught changing a tampon on a highway is worse. But yes, FYL OP.


First an fml about peeing, then about a tampon, then were back to peeing again.

Damian95 16

The moral of these FMLs is when you gotta go, you gotta go.

Not if he's into that kind of stuff...

Unrelated to the FML... but I love BVB and AA, also.

Why would you not just pee outside? I would do that before I would use a plastic bag.

It's 10 degrees in WI. At least in her car she could keep the heater on. :P

and maybe he was trapped inside, he did land in a ditch

Ooooo, 10 degrees. Where I live it's a -47 windchill, which probably explains how I can be so cracked in the head and have a woefully misplaced sense of superiority over foreigners. I truly suck as a person. Bury me.

21- Notice it was a female. Plus I highly doubt she would be stuck in the ditch herself.

Considering she's a female I'm actually quite surprised she was able to pee in a bag! unless of course it was really big. Either way OP made that tow truck man's day.

Well I honestly think being caught changing a tampon on a highway is worse. But yes, FYL OP.

Poor trucker though, twice now he's seen em. F his life.

Would be funny as hell if it was actually the same guy wouldn't it?

It is both u have a bad luck and u deserve it !

She deserves it for having to pee at an inconvenient time in the winter?

Either hover, or lean against a tree if its a girl and just whip it out if its a guy (I'm on the app so I don't if it a he or a she).

55, I'm on the app too, and it shows the symbol for female in the right hand corner

The expression "Caught with your pants down" applies here! :O

He should be thankful you didn't smack him with a used tampon. *edit*. 3 beat me.

27BronxBombers 12

Actually, he's into referencing FMLs prior to this one :P

oj101 33

Do you happen to be related to the girl who changed her tampon in her car?

#11 - that's the joke. Genders don't matter. It's the fact that both people were caught doing something pretty similar..and totally unhygienic in my opinion.

Can women not be related to other women?

I'd think not. Mothers and daughters are but a mere illusion, it seems.

Well that's pretty uncomfortable and embarrassing..also I'm trying to figure out how you peed in a plastic bag.. We're you sitting? Where did you put your legs? Lol

Welk if it was a grocery bag the legs could have went through.the holes.on the handles

Because that would make the urinating much more effective right?

Op had roadside assistance. You're in good hands with Allstate.

#16- Op had roadside assistance. You're in good hands with Allstate.

#16- Op had roadside assistance. You're in good hands with Allstate.

Op had roadside assistance. You're in good hands with Allstate