By all puked out - 13/07/2014 21:14 - Netherlands

Today, I saw a drunk woman drop her purse in the street. I picked it up and went to give it to her, only for her to scream at me for being a thief. Then she started crying, apologized and hugged me, then got angry again, and finally threw up on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 791
You deserved it 4 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did she offer to help you get clean at least? It's possible she was having a terrible day and accidentally aimed her anger at you.

Quick! Buy a lottery ticket. I've heard that's good luck.


triplebeerox 27

These are some reasons I stay away from drunks: they are unreasonable and can vomit on you.

fearlesscooldude 12

Aw, thats really bad OP, I hope not alot of people assumed you a thief.

DanShowsNoMercy 13

Well that's a life lesson, don't try to help drunk strangers.

jack_jill05 14

unless said drunk stranger has a weapon of mass destruction, you should probably help them. you never know what could have happened if you didnt help them, like if they got into a car accident because you were too lazy.

qdawg06 23

This is why I hesitate to be helpful. Sorry OP, that's crappy.

Just one such incident should not be stopping anyone from trying to help people. This was just an unfortunate one.

KVKdragon 26

Even though you got puked on for your troubles, I commend you for being a good person, OP. People like you need to be more prevalent in society and life :)

You met Lindsay Lohan on the street and you DIDN'T get her autograph?

After everything else that happened he was probably afraid she'd punch him and then puke again if he asked for an autograph.

Props for helping OP...but that had to be an odd experience