By all puked out - 13/07/2014 21:14 - Netherlands

Today, I saw a drunk woman drop her purse in the street. I picked it up and went to give it to her, only for her to scream at me for being a thief. Then she started crying, apologized and hugged me, then got angry again, and finally threw up on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 786
You deserved it 4 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did she offer to help you get clean at least? It's possible she was having a terrible day and accidentally aimed her anger at you.

Quick! Buy a lottery ticket. I've heard that's good luck.


Drunk people do the funniest things! At least you where honest and tried to do the right thing

Proof that (to this day) no good deed goes unpunished..! FYL.

At least you were there for a stranger who clearly needed a pair of extra hands. You could totally be friends and laugh about it the next day! Plus, this happened in Holland, drunk people are so much fun there :)

could've been worse, she could've asked for drug money! or drugs! do you look like a dealer? o.O

feelgoodguy_ 3

Must be that time of the month again.

Before you post something like that, just think about how many people you're offending.