By ugly - 25/07/2011 02:53 - United States

Today, I saw a facebook status that said, 'Wedding today. Ugly people belong together.' I'm getting married today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 485
You deserved it 3 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe hes ugly and hes just not used to extremely sexy people like yourself


beauty is in the eye of the beholder which is your husband and im sure he loves you for both who you truly are and your apperence(: congrats on getting married!

Chrispayne 4

Was it someone u know that put this on there? Are they coming to the wedding

Chrispayne 4

Print off a screen shot of them saying that and put at each table at the reseption. all the guest will see what she is like

jadejazmyn 5
BabyOtaku 0

Haters gonna Hate. I say **** em.

so...youre getting married. bitch stays alone with thei 100 cats

devendarling 5

I'd look at your guest list, make sure it's YOUR wedding they're talking about. If it is, post on their wall, "Oh, hey! Since I'm so ugly, I'll spare you the need to look at me. Don't bother coming!"

daltyboy 0

tht doesnt mean u dumb asss a lot of ppl cud be having there wedding the same day as you

jadejazmyn 5

Orgasmic that's just funny.