By ugly - 25/07/2011 02:53 - United States

Today, I saw a facebook status that said, 'Wedding today. Ugly people belong together.' I'm getting married today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 485
You deserved it 3 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe hes ugly and hes just not used to extremely sexy people like yourself


nakegu 0

it's your wedding day and you're on Facebook?

BeautifulDemonKP 4

theyre just jealous that theyre sitting home alone again with their 50 cats watching Millionaire Matchmaker while OP gets married. OP doesnt deserve it.

what's your partner doing on Facebook on their wedding day?

earballs 0
itzNaynay 0

there just Jealous that you're getting married while their stuck at home alone with a million cats, while sitting on the couch eating ice-cream and trolling on the Internet .

Inspired22 11

Well, even if it was you they were talking about (and there is no way to be sure,) who cares what they think? You are getting married! Hopefully to someone you love dearly. The only person that needs to think we are attractive is our significant other. Everyone else doesn't matter!

Trinity_May 0

mmm how bout don't be so ugly.?

Xallys 0

Does it really matter? If you're happy together, who the **** cares what anyone else thinks?

I'm sorry but your life really does suck...