By ugly - 25/07/2011 02:53 - United States

Today, I saw a facebook status that said, 'Wedding today. Ugly people belong together.' I'm getting married today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 496
You deserved it 3 772

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe hes ugly and hes just not used to extremely sexy people like yourself


Kayble89 13

Well I would just chalk it up to jealousy! Don't let someone ruin what is supposed to be a fantastic day!

alex6946 10

who cares? you and your spouse love eachother and that's what matters (:

At least you know who to delete off facebook and kick out of the party or publicly humiliate at the party.

LoveLife293 2

Don't let them say you aint beautiful, they can all get ****** just stay true to you

jerryduh 0

who the hell checks facebook on their wedding day

Maybe she received a notification on her phone and happened to glance at it?

madz5758 10