By Anonymous - 23/04/2009 10:07 - United States

Today, I saw a girl I knew from high school at the DMV and she started leaning forward. I thought she was leaning into hug me. So I just began to hug her. She was actually trying to throw something in the garbage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 389
You deserved it 17 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hugs are nice, universally. She enjoyed it, even if she acted creeped out.


hihi890 0

maybe you could say you thought she was someone else....

BluEG0pher 0

at least she did push you away or scream. Its always good to give out hugs!

that sucks, i hate it when things like that happen, i.e. the classic waving to someone behind you

... woops! ... how was the hug BTW? You never know, she might decide she liked it, and if you ask her out, she might enjoy being hugged by you again.

Seriously #56, I used to think the hand waving thing was bad, but this is so much worse!

I belive people don`t hug enough anymore. Good for you.

dam sucks for you...that often happen to me with waves...i hate that >_>