By Anonymous - 23/04/2009 10:07 - United States

Today, I saw a girl I knew from high school at the DMV and she started leaning forward. I thought she was leaning into hug me. So I just began to hug her. She was actually trying to throw something in the garbage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 389
You deserved it 17 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hugs are nice, universally. She enjoyed it, even if she acted creeped out.


haha! those awkward moments define my life!

lmao aw that sucks and must have been very embarrassing.

HAHAHAH ive done that before to people. ...awkwardddd ya

Aw i do that to you look like a tard lol

rakhil11 7

ooh awkward. can't u tell the difference, though? an "i'm about 2 hug u" and an "i'm about 2 throw something in the trash" poses r totally different. anyway, i'm sure she already 4got all about it

oh my god, i would have smacked you. socially inept much?

Nneoma109 0

man...i know you're really embarrassed! i feel your pain dude! But I do admit to doing somthing like that to somebody

or maybe just pretended to be completely crazy.. maybe say "Diana Ross!! it's absolutely smashing to see you!" and sprint awaaaayyy!! then she wouldn't think you were creepy OR awkward. just insane.