By assassinmaster - 04/05/2017 04:00

Today, I saw a kid taking a dump next to my lawn. The good news: his mother picked up the poop to discard it. The bad news: she put it in my mailbox. I now have a pile of smelly brownish tissue-wrapped goo baking under the hot sun inside my mailbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 923
You deserved it 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ohsnapword 21

Call the police. File charges. Tampering with a mailbox is a federal offense.

The obvious solution is to take the package out, unwrap it, and squash it poop side down inside her mailbox.


that's vile, wait until you see them again and then give it back and say you left this here

WTF is wrong with people? And seriously, she took the time to clean it up and put it in the mailbox? Should have just left it in the yard and blamed it on a dog... except you saw it happen. Ugh, people suck.

AspieGirl88 7

That is definitely illegal. If you know who she is or where she lives, I'd file a police report on her. Goodness knows if she's done this to other people on more than one occasion. She certainly sounds like a sociopath with nothing better to do than wreak havoc on personal property...

fantastamazing 10

I've never heard of people walking their kids for bathroom breaks.

I would've smeared it on her door handles from the car to the door

GrapeJuice67 17

Pick it up with a plastic bag and throw it in her mailbox

Twisted-sister 15