Oh no…

By Anonymous - 05/07/2013 23:34 - United States - Houston

Today, I was telling my girlfriend about how my parents are flying out to Japan today on vacation. She was shocked at how short the flight will be, because "It's on the other side of the world." We live in the USA, and it seems I'm dating a Flat Earther. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 234
You deserved it 7 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It IS on other side of the world. USA is located in Western hemisphere. Japan - in Eastern. Regardless, Japan is pretty far from USA, unless your flight starts in Alaska.

21, "JUST" across Pacific? Direct distance from California to Japan is 8600+ kilometers (surface travel). That's 1/5th of earth's circumference. Distance from hawaii to japan is 6600+ kilometers. For comparison, Diameter of OUR PLANET is 6300+ kilometers. OP's girlfriend is much smarter than he is. And you people should've studied geography at school.


Buy her a globe. If she can't get it from that, I don't know what to tell ya.

MEM0817 18

Orrrr.... Maybe save the money and google "world map" and show her thaaaattt way...

pinguino3669_fml 23

Would be a lot shorter if there was still a commercial Supersonic airliner like Concorde.

SkyGuy32 17

What do you mean wrong post?

My bad computer played up and thought it was a different post.

She needs a geography course. As useless as people think it may be...

SkyGuy32 17

It was probably just an isolated brain-fart. Like when my twin was trying to talk about Qatar, but couldn't think of the name, so he called it Quebec. Then my mom asked him if he meant Dubai. However, I consider my twin to be a fairly intelligent person.

daringtoride 27

It constantly astounds me how little people know about the continents, states, etc. I know you can't exactly memorize them all, but really?

Look at a globe.... Find Japan..... Then rotate it halfway around.... And..... Surprise!!!!! It's the USA!!!!! Amazing!

suboy 10

This reminds me of the argument i had with a friend when i told them Alaska was bigger than Texas

Hmm hopefully it's just she's a science or math type of person and geography just floats over head.

As a "science and arithmetic person", I can assure you we know the Earth is round. We also know its size, velocity, and astronomical location.

It's a very short trip if you have a TARDIS.

Docbastard, I know you're A doctor, but now I'm thinking you are THE doctor. Quick question, how many hearts do you have?

It IS on other side of the world. USA is located in Western hemisphere. Japan - in Eastern. Regardless, Japan is pretty far from USA, unless your flight starts in Alaska.

It's just across the Pacific Ocean though. It's not far from Hawaii.

SkyGuy32 17

21, "JUST" across Pacific? Direct distance from California to Japan is 8600+ kilometers (surface travel). That's 1/5th of earth's circumference. Distance from hawaii to japan is 6600+ kilometers. For comparison, Diameter of OUR PLANET is 6300+ kilometers. OP's girlfriend is much smarter than he is. And you people should've studied geography at school.

rldostie 19

It IS nearly on the other side of the world, depending on where you live in the US. When I flew there, it was no short flight; it took nearly 14 hours. So I don't see how this is really a FML, unless its on the OP for not realizing how massive the US is, and how distance and perspective depends on where one is located in the US.

33, It is FML for OP's girlfriend, IMO.


30, you are one dense ************. The OP's girlfriend thought that the plane would fly over Europe to get to Japan. Also, the distance across the Pacific isn't NEAR the distance across the Atlantic.

Well it sometimes also depends and the wind currents because the plane cannot go against some hard winds. Especially, the ones located in the Pacific Ocean region.

Look at a map and tell me if you really think the Atlantic is wider than the Pacific. If you do, you need to get either your vision or your intelligence fixed!

AnthonyWheeler15 24

I can understand why she'd be mistaken, but still, c'mon 3rd grade geography.

There'd be a big difference between flying from New York or flying from LA

Maybe she's getting it switched with China? That's the country that's on the "opposite side of us" technically...