By JMU - 06/07/2009 19:34 - United States

Today, I saw a major accident then stopped to help the drivers. I was on my way to a rest stop to use the bathroom so as we were waiting for police I went into the woods and I come out to the police arresting me for public urination. One of the drivers said I was "using the woods for a bathroom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 373
You deserved it 4 558

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So... you helped one of the drivers and they reported you? That's so rude. And besides, a little pee won't hurt the trees.


Public urination is a crime similar to dragging a dead horse down main street on a sunday is. Sure, if it's in front of people, it makes sense, but in this situation the cop was being a complete dick. I'm assuming since you posted this you were released. Hopefully the charges were dismissed. If not, a jury would never convict you unless they had personal prejudices. Good luck.

Snippy11 0

I want to see a passionate argument on boston legal about that case.

oh Alan Shore would have a great speech about how everyone should pee in public!

you need to contest that shit in court. just deny it. it's on the court to PROVE you guilty. outside of video evidence you'll get off. jeeze why is it ok for a dog to piss on the flowers in my front yard but it's a ticketable offense to piss in the woods.

warrenthewalrus 0

Did the cop see you pee in the woods? If not, it boils down to your word against theirs, and the cops shouldn't arrest you in that situation. However, we all know most cops are just in it to stroke their own egos, so no wonder they arrested you. Hopefully you get out of it without being put on the sex offender registry. (Yes, public urination is a crime that could be punished by registration as a sex offender.)

the prejudice remarks about cops are uncalled for. you should be thanking your lucky stars that there are people willing to put their lives on the line every day to protect us. law enforcement officers are people and like any other professions there are bound to be a handful of assholes but that doesn't mean you can make blanket statements like that... ugh "cop haters" make me sick.

twindaddy 0

There are good cops and there are bad cops. The majority of cops are ok guys/girls. But there are some who are just downright assholes and shouldn't have a badge. This sounds like one of those guys.

And then there are monsters who beat the living crap out of innocent people and don't let people see their dying mother in laws.

When you've seen it from the inside, you can make blanket statements like that. Maybe its not like that everywhere, maybe I was just unlucky and worked with a bad group of guys, but from what I saw on the inside, a lot of cops stop caring about the public so much after a while. It might be as subtle as caring about stopping the crooks more than protecting the public, but that can eventually lead to the asshole cops who write you a ticket for doing 26 in a 25. And I didn't come close to saying every cop was like that. A majority can be 99/100, or it can be 50,001/100,000. So stop acting like I said every cop, I said a simple majority.

Public urination only counts when you're IN THE PUBLIC, A FOREST IS NOT PUBLIC. Where the he'll else are you gonna piss.

how is a forest not public? anyone can walk in to it, therefore it's public. Where the hell else would you piss? maybe you could urinate in the rest room that the OP was originally going to...

qwertyone 0

Using that logic, urinating into a public bathroom is illegal. Of course it isn't...just making a point.

Damn then ive broken the law many times :(. Im moving to canada then!!!

it's illegal over here too! just most of the cops are too high to care :P

Wow, that sucks. I don't see anything wrong with going in the woods if people can't see you from the street. It's not any different from a squirrel or deer peeing.