By korbo7 - 17/05/2016 03:26 - United States - Grand Island

Today, I saw a man help an elderly lady with her tray at the local McDonald's. I wanted to do something nice for him, so I added a couple extra nuggets in his meal. He later came up to me and told me I was dumb and didn't know how to count, and that was why I was working at McDonald's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 625
You deserved it 1 427

Same thing different taste

Top comments

drayloon 50

Extra McNuggets are considered a McBlessing to most people

Goblin182 26

No good deed goes unpunished.


see, this is why I rarely do anything nice.

Goblin182 26

Don't let that stop you. You should od nice things for the sake of doing them, not for the reward of an atta boy

I can see why he would return them, seeing as how they weren't paid for, however he didn't need to be that rude!

andrmac 25

That's one they supersize more than just the drink and fries!

ShipBandMembers 9

Why would he even complain about that?!

Did you tell him you did it purposely because you mistakenly thought he was a nice person?

I can see him getting upset if you didn't put enough in the meal but who gets mad about extra nuggets?? Sorry, OP. If working in restaurants has taught me a thing it's that people are the worst.

As a McDonald's employee, I don't understand all the hate towards people who work there. It's not as easy as people think it is, but it's actually a great job

congratulations to your positive attitude. People like you are the reason, why I always try to be respectfull to people who wait on me or serve me.

congratulations to your positive attitude, bethany People like you are the reason, why I always try to be respectfull to people who wait on me or serve me. This also to the OP, thanks for beeing so kind.

When I was working there while doing my A levels we had a lot of other students there also doing their A levels. Also we had some university graduates from countries from which we don't accept the degrees over here, who were doing this job for caring for their families and because they couldn't really work in their field. They spoke our language very well after being here for only 3 to 5 months and still were called out for being stupid foreigners. Of course there are also idiots working there but I also have a lot of idiots in my current job. Working at McDonald's also gave me a lot of respect for service workers. They have to deal with a lot of shitty behaviour.

How would he know you were the one who counted them? The food is sent up by people back in the kitchen..

Did you tell him you came through for him with those for his good deed?