By yuckspider - 20/04/2009 00:17 - United States

Today, I saw a spider crawling on the floor but had nothing to kill it with and it hid somewhere. So, I got dressed and went out and come home for a shower, and as I'm taking off my undies, something crushed and black fell out. It was the spider and he had been in my underwear the entire day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 329
You deserved it 7 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Spider got some ACTION before it died.

FBIWarning 0


Im missing the "this is the most action i had all year" :(

lazylacey 0

hahahaha #24 that's so creepy though once when I was in school. I had a small black spider crawl up my back I thought it was just an itch so when I scratched it I realized it wasn't and had the dead spider in my hand. so gross.

f_mylife24 0

Spider vag(ina) spider vag does whatever a spider vag can =P

do you leave your underwear all over the floor so things like spiders can crawl and hide in them??

omg ew that is so gross, i hate spiders. lucky for you it didn't plant and lay any eggs or anything. lol well.. hopefully :D

xandyx33 0

at least the spider didn't die a virgin.

Sakeyaki 0

Well, look at the bright side--at least it got some pleasure before it died. But seriously, how can you NOT feel it?

oh god i feel your pain. that's so gross.

p0lkadot 0

this happened to me once - with a cockroach. and it was still alive. you don't notice it crawling up your leg because it never did, it crawled into your underwear before you put them on and didn't look and see it.