By stupid - 07/07/2009 18:33 - United States

Today, I saw a spot on my computer screen. I tried to use my finger to rub it off. Then, I tried using my nail. Then I tried to windex it off. I continued scratching at it with my nail. A half hour and one scratched screen later, I realized the spot was part of the webpage I was looking at. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 762
You deserved it 68 550

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pwnrzero 0

YDI I mean cmon, this seams fake to me, how about you guys? Who would spend one hour, and couldnt he/she at least scroll a little to make sure it isnt part of the screen?


deliciouskaek 1

I've heard one like this before, except the guy thought the dot was on a picture and tried to photoshop it out but then it was just a dot on the screen

Funny how most people posting FMLs nowadays have the word "stupid" in their usernames.

how the **** did this make it through to here anyway? and I call shenanigans boohoo u wasted 30 min of ur life and also someone posted this exact same thing 2 months ago and it got removed so gtfo. And yes #12 that is the one I am talking about

Wow.. This was so stupid that I just HAD to comment on it. Congrats on being a total moron.

CRT i have to explain this to every single retarded comment??

so this is what happens to your brain when you do drugs O.o

hawaiianxpunchx3 0