By Magicali - 22/04/2013 02:56 - Australia - Queanbeyan

Today, I saw a woman in the neighbouring apartment taking a shower without pulling the blinds of her bathroom window. As a good Samaritan, I waved my arms to attract her attention that she forgot the blinds. She noticed me, opened the window, did a weird boob dance and middle fingered me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 316
You deserved it 15 307

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, that went way different then i would have imagined.

plum_lovin 28

Just a friendly neighborhood boob dance.. didn't you know that was the norm there?


vanhalendude110 6

...which was then your chance to tell her to close her blinds. (Is this the same chick who left open her bedroom blinds, while she cheated on her out of town husband????)

thehonestone10 5

I'm not sure why this is an FML..

You messed up her exposition. You weren't support to notice her so both of you got a thrill, you secretly watching, and she knowing you were.

Not sure how to call this one. Ya you got the middle finger for trying to do the right thing but you got a boob dance so is life really that bad?

Why is this an FML other than for being stupid enough to ruin a free show for all your neighbors?

I thought this FML couldn't get any funnier until I read the comments. Pure gold, gentlemen.

That's class, where in Australia are you?