By Magicali - 22/04/2013 02:56 - Australia - Queanbeyan

Today, I saw a woman in the neighbouring apartment taking a shower without pulling the blinds of her bathroom window. As a good Samaritan, I waved my arms to attract her attention that she forgot the blinds. She noticed me, opened the window, did a weird boob dance and middle fingered me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 316
You deserved it 15 307

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, that went way different then i would have imagined.

plum_lovin 28

Just a friendly neighborhood boob dance.. didn't you know that was the norm there?


I legit laughed my wine out of my nose at this one

the right thing to do was to call her "sir".

I'm sorry, that's incorrect. We would have accepted... Gave you the finger, gave you the middle finger, flipped you the bird, or... Flipped you off.

And this is an FML because ... ? Free boob dance! FTW!

Where's the 'Your life rocks! ' button?