By anniecook - 27/11/2009 00:26 - United States

Today, I saw an old man who needed help crossing the street. I went over to him and helped him across the street. When he thanked me, I said, "No problem, sir." They responded by hitting me in the happy sacks and screaming that they were a woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 990
You deserved it 7 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why does everybody and their ******* idiot mother use the words 'happy sacks' on this site. its maybe funny the first time they used it; you deserve everything bad that happens to you for referring to your balls and happy sacks.

anniecook 0

I origionally used balls, but i guess the website just loves to write "happy sacks" i have never used those words in my life, trust me. AND TO EVERYONE ELSE: and im sooo very sorry for that horrible epidemic of "They."i really hope the sky doesnt fall


Have none of you heard of singular ¨they¨? It is very debated, but many consider the word ¨they¨ proper grammar when used as a non gender-specific singular pronoun. No matter how awkward it sounds, it works.

quazimozart 19

Yeah seriously it's grammatically correct, I don't see the problem

This site is called "**** My Life," not "Oh Dangit, That Sucked!" Why do testicles keep coming up as "happy sacks"? And why do you have more than one scrotum?

Quinnjamin 0

any1 who said something about OP saying "happy sacks", i totally agree with u

Oh my! After the man kicked you, your "Happy Sacks" (whatever those are,) they started screaming "I'm a woman!!!" ???

No_fyl_cuz_ydi 0

next time just say your welcome

silverx10 0

YDI for using the term "happy sack", be it pluralized or otherwise. Seriously. 's the second time I've seen that here. At LEAST.

Yes, "happy sacks" seems a little... childish... but honestly people, I think the editors are changing the wording. I don't think the OP actually typed it out like that. My reason for thinking that? I was moderating FMLs earlier in the day and ran across one that read something along these lines, "Today, my FML was published. I came to the site to read it and realized that the word "testicles" had been changed to "happy sacks". FML" I'd be willing to bet that the author of that FML (which most likely won't ever get published) was the same as this OP.

That's what happens when you try to help an ugly, lesbian feminazi.