By Sarah - 12/06/2011 00:54 - United States

Today, I saw my brother on TV after 3 years of no contact. He was being arrested on Cops. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 164
You deserved it 4 043

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aliceisbored 11
heyimjennyFML 5

you should be proud of him! I love that show :D


You can take it as good news that he's still alive? Seriously though, FHisLife!

Cops is the best show ever. There's nothing more entertaining than redneck failure for 30 minutes.

austinkiser 3

I might get thumbs down for this but u ppl don't need to repost lmao a few times just thumb up the first and move on

jellybelliez 0

look on the bright side!! at least u got to see him(:

It sounds like you're better off keeping no contact with him.

KareBear7364 5

Lol I can't even imagine that...crazy, dude...

Wow. My brother told me 'I hope you get raped one day' just because we moved in together and I didn't want HIS baby's crib in my I wish that was MY brother you saw on cops, because, you know, he' classy. lmao

Wow 59 your brother is a total jerk. Maybe when he's arrested he will get raped in jail. Karma is funny that way

If you chose to move in with your brother, than it's nobody else's fault but yours. Yeah, so it wasn't the nicest thing your brother could have said to you, but nobody said you had to take it personally, and wishing that your brother was the one getting arrested is basically just saying something just as mean and your brother said to you, so neither of you are in the clear.

my2centsworth 15

How would you take the words "I hope you get raped one day" if not personally. That's rather personal in my opinion.