By teejayrn - 18/12/2012 10:03

Today, I saw my daughter dusting her furniture with the white handkerchief I gave her as a wedding present. It's been in our family for 4 generations. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 973
You deserved it 5 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does she know it was a family heirloom? If not, did you tell her?

BubbleGrunge 18

That's sad; a lot of people don't have appreciation for family heirlooms anymore! You should take it back!


Well, FrHanky, that's just disrespectful.

Who nose what OP's daughter will do with it next!! This is clearly a big t-issue for OP, it's probably snot what they need right now

It's a handkerchief. Sentimental value's great and all, but it's a scrap of cloth, however nice.

Do you understand the concept of sentimental value? It doesn't matter what it is, or if its worth any money. I have a crappy little charm bracelet that was my great great aunts, it's worth about $10, but I keep it locked away because it means so much more to me. The handkerchief is obviously not just a piece of cloth to OP.

That's heartbreaking! I'm so sorry! I can't imagine how you must've felt! My mom gave me a silver nut bowl that's been in our family for over 100 yrs, I treasure it ! Anyone of us would have been just as crushed! Take it in to get it cleaned, (hopefully they can save it) explain to your daughter how SPECIAL it is, perhaps frame it so you know it's safe!

BlueFlatts 20

Yes, frame the handkerchief. That way everyone passing by can admire it in all of its glory.

I'm sorry, but it's a piece of freaking cloth. Nut bowls are fine and all, but handkerchiefs? I don't blame her for using it for dusting furniture. Might've been better if she used it to wipe her hands though....

I'm with you #14. I think that things passed down should be treasured, no matter what they are

crazytwinsmom 25

I'm sure that is not the only gift she gave her. Maybe she forgot, is she pregnant? Many families have little heirlooms that are passed along... a hanky that is tucked in a bracelet on the wedding day, a special wedding ring for when your hands swell during pregnancy.

haha omg, the pregnancy swell amused the crap out of me... I have a fake band on now because at 22 weeks, I am a touch swollen. which is strange since I've stayed at my weight

Four generations and its finally being put to good use, as I'm sure your great-great-great grandparents would have envisioned it. I think that's a bit more then four generations, but still. What's the point in worshipping your ancestors old snot rag if you're not even going to use it? If it means that much it should have been in a frame, and I doubt your daughter would take it out just for that. I mean no disrespect; I'm sorry for her carelessness, Op.

Sentimental value is nice but have you considered if it just does not mean much to her, i personally never saw the point of family heirlooms as they tend to just be an exuse for people to brag about their family history.

crazytwinsmom 25

An heirloom hanky is hardly a bragging item, as opposed to a huge clock or piano. But still, it's nice to have something that you know your great great grandparents had, if you are close to your family. But if your great great grandfather was a serial killer then maybe not. Although it would make for an interesting story.

I guess i cant relate as i dont really like my family, but i see your point.

SmittyJA24 26

I've got no doubt it's been used as a cum towel already. Next month: car wash rag.

If it meant that much to you, you should have given something else! Try giving flatware next time.

If it's been in the family that long, it's probably been used for worse things.

There are worse things that could be used...