By Anonymous - 01/07/2013 18:03 - United States - Pleasantville

Today, I saw my girlfriend for the first time in weeks. She had a hickey. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 443
You deserved it 6 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments


She was playing hickey ****. Who ever has the biggest hickey gets to be the hickey ****.

Benefit of the doubt: a hair curling iron or straightener can leave burns that look like hickeys once they start to heal.

Most hickeys are pretty obviously hickeys. However, I've actually seen a few fairly suspicious looking curling iron burns. Unfortunately for me, I happen to have a very suspicious looking birthmark on my neck and shoulder that shows up when I'm cold. I can't count the number of times I've had to roll up my sleeve to defend the mark. lol

"first time in weeks"... Idle hands are the Devils work. Damn girls are ***** these days

Damn OP, I'm sorry for you. You deserve someone better. Like a girl with a little more class and a sense of commitment. Remember, the three keys to a good relationship are always Loyalty, Trust, and Honesty!

Moving on is the best thing you can do. If she showed up with a hickey, it's likely she wanted you to see it. Not only did she cheat, she didn't have the decency to hide it. I hope your next girlfriend has more respect for you.