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How very dare you!

By mrniceguy - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that my girlfriend started a fake argument and pretended to be mad at me for four days, which was almost enough time for the gigantic hickey that my best friend gave her on her neck to heal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 703
You deserved it 2 540

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Wow thats bogus. Dump her and get a new friend.

Nitsuaaa 6

Ohhhhh shiiit! I give her an A+ for effort though. Very creative but I'm guessing she's not too bright because obviously the hickey wasn't gone all the way. Of course a smart bitch wouldn't have cheated in the first place...huh. FYL.


**** her best friend. Then write on her best friends neck "(your name) was here...btw (girlfriends name) were done."

bleedinginside 0
tylermaclean 0

dude bleedinginside u are bleeding in side weirdo and beat the piss out of ur bestfriend

Hey poster, looking at your name. There was a song titled, "No more Mr. Nice Guy". You should check it out.

hot_tamale26 3
Monikabug 9

I agree. Girls like her put the rest of us to shame.

dump her? this chick is awesome! she just opened up the door! if you like beatin the guts up, keep her around, and **** around with other bitches!

cindebaby 0

like the way you think lol 3 someeeee

iSwag 0

let this be a lesson to you all see what happens to nice guys?

He may not be a nice guy, swag. He could've just been out played. OP, definitely dump the evil genius.

pinkorchid88 0

you should get revenge then dump her

***** aleert. :P beeeeepppbeeeeppbooooopbooooppwaa! dump her. if she was getting a hickey from your best friend, just imagine all the other things she did with him, or someone else!

pendulum2012 0

I love how guys like ISwag complain about "nice guys" never getting hot girls, when those same "nice guys" wouldn't give an ugly and/or fat girl the time of day. double standard much? you probably whine all day about how girls don't go for you, but would reject a chubby girl even if she was a sweetheart.

Reyo 2

Pendulum probably worships some nice guy who wouldn't even give her the time of day.

pendulum2012 0

Haha no I have a boyfriend. Don't have a hissy fit just because I tell the truth. You cant handle it when someone contradicts your "all women are bitches, they hate all nice guys and only go for 'jocks'" stance. I've just noticed a lot of male commenters here who love to classify themselves as "nice guys" and constantly whine about how women are bitches. Get out a little more, stop spending so much time on the computer, and maybe you can meet some more girls.

girls like assholes woman like nice guys thats the way it has always been. as for your fat girls comment pendulum, every heftier or fat girl i ever knew in highschool was undatable because of their attitudes and their outlooks on anything and everything were often condescending and bitchy. and dont even talk about double standards or pretend to know anything about guys. let me guess your boyfriend is the captain of the chess team and your the hottest cheerleader in the school.

What I don't get is that the guys who say 'I can't get a girlfriend because I'm a nice guy and all women are bitches' really think that a guy that calls all women bitches, would be considered 'a nice guy'. You're not nice, you're just whiny. And no, whiny guys do not get girlfriends.

iSwag 0

lol wow pendulum I was prepared to put you in your place... and make sure you stayed there. but I see that's already been done see what happens when people that don't know what they're talking about go against people that do?

Jayodi 0

A hickey is a bruise, generally on the neck, that comes from someone kissing, sucking, or biting forcefully enough to break the blood vessels. Basically, she was cheating on him with his best friend.

LTMcleod 0

hey pend, I've daited pretty and non-attractive girls apperance wise. but I fell hard for their personalities each time. you don't know what your talking about, live it, then come tell me.

rauj13 0

Uh, nice guy here. and I give plenty of "unattractive" women a chance. They tend to not do shit like this.

I'm not a jock but my girlfriend still loves me and I'm actually a nice guy and try to treat her the best I can. so um your theory about girls liking jocks is all wrong

NzxtZ06 0

I concur with 1 and 4, f*** her best friend and dump the bit**

is 1s picture of a cat asshole or am I stoned out of my mind?? (most likely both)


Wow thats bogus. Dump her and get a new friend.

littlenova13 2

well damn. im sorry she was unfaithful, and thats a shitty friend how did you find this out?

most likely because she had a half-healed hickey...this combined with the random arguement is pretty suspicious. what a fail. dump her if you didn't already.

RachelMarilyn 0

What a douchebagg. The girl and the "friend"

Sun_Kissed18 25
troyboyd05 0

You mean that guy who got his penis cut off, and that girl who "got hit by a car."

nickforthewin 0

kick your "friend" in the balls and dump that bitch

Nitsuaaa 6

Ohhhhh shiiit! I give her an A+ for effort though. Very creative but I'm guessing she's not too bright because obviously the hickey wasn't gone all the way. Of course a smart bitch wouldn't have cheated in the first place...huh. FYL.

chocobunnyyumyum 0

What the heck??? its putting my comments in wrong spot!!