By Imretarded - 24/05/2009 05:18 - United States

Today, I saw my mom naked as she came out of the shower. I realized that's the first time I've ever seen a naked woman. I'm a 24 year old guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 980
You deserved it 13 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IllegalLight 0

Yuck... anyways, don't you watch ****?


#28- Its not that strange at all, really.

nikki1001 0

#28: Really? That's the strangest part of this post?

Not a FML. You've never seen a naked woman so what? There are so many ppl that havent. It's not exactly neccesary to see someone naked, and there's nothing wrong with it. Jeez get over yourselves ppl..

madam_mayham 0

wow, dude you really need to get on that seeing women naked part...and I don't mean your mom.

baffledkitten 0

So..the FYL part is the part about seeing your mom naked, right? Because the other part is lame--it's called ****, genius.

I realize (especially in this economy) that it's tough to move out and support oneself. However, I am younger than you are and have been living on my own for over a year. You should consider moving out of your mom's place...

you should have knocked her out and skull ****** her unconcious body.

Uber_G33k 0

I've seen my little sister naked... and although it was involuntary ( little sisters can be pretty strange ), at least I can say I've seen a female naked. Am I right? Am I? Hm? Great, another FML for me to submit. :D

this is one of the worst fmls ever! i feel sorry for u man...