By Lies - 19/08/2009 02:44 - United States

Today, I saw the girl I had started dating changed her Facebook relationship status to "In a relationship". Naturally, I changed mine too. The next time I logged on, she had commented, "Really?! Who?!" She was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 803
You deserved it 5 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHAHAHA poor guy :( apparently you arent dating?

FML needs a category called "Social Networking Site Miscommunications." :-/


Cyrus00 41

The lesson here is, never assume

Just because you go on dates with someone doesn't mean you are dating! Stop blaming the woman because he assumed they were dating.

asphaltcowboy65 2

<p>That is definitely one of the most awkward feelings ever</p>