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By im_not_me - 09/12/2009 12:31 - Australia

Today, I was talking to my girlfriend on Facebook. She's in the forces, and it was her birthday. I asked her if she liked the flowers I sent her. She thanked me, then asked if she could remove our relationship status. When I asked why, she said, "It's not like we're really going out anymore." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 475
You deserved it 2 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that just means she's already cheated on you and just wants to justify her actions by insinuating you both knew the relationship was over

Ouch. But your probably better off without her in the long run. Get yourself a hottie that actually lives in the same country as you and bang her **** off!!


Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm army chicks fire in the hole Anywayz fighting is a mans job, go back into the kitchen and make me a sammich or at least be a nurse Thankyou

notFUNNYtoMEass 0

I agree that fighting is a mans job. there are somethings that need to stay seperate and that is one

metalfan333 0

#43 i agree haha thats exactly what i was gonna say

43 and 96--What the hell? You are by far the most sexist assholes that have ever posted on this site. Get a life and move to Afghanistan if you feel that way.

that just means she's already cheated on you and just wants to justify her actions by insinuating you both knew the relationship was over

I agree with this, also. It's not all bad, though. Now you can find a girlfriend that you actually get to see regularly.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I know I'm nearly 3 years late...but who cares?

This is a tough one. If you really didn't care, then why would you post a comment saying that you don't care 3 years later? Hmm...

don't get bummed just goto a party and find an tasty broad and bang her out

She's such a **** seriously! Sorry for you

a_e_iownu 0

She's a bitch for breaking up with him? In your "logic," there's practically no way she could not be a bitch. People break up with each other all the time. Is this something new to you?

xd0rkiee 0

The way she broke up with him was not bitchy at all. What would have been a nicer way to do it? Because I honestly don't know. Long-distance relationships are difficult. If they rarely see each other, I'm assuming they don't go on dates often. Hence, it's like they're not even dating.

Ouch. But your probably better off without her in the long run. Get yourself a hottie that actually lives in the same country as you and bang her **** off!!

Ashimali 0

O.O the visual i just got from this comment made me both laugh and cringe in pain...

dspadres 0
Foxracin 0
notFUNNYtoMEass 0

jedi!.... so much awesome in one comment!!!!

RainStorm6632 10

I don't know if you're joking or not but if you aren't there's this thing called Google

RainStorm6632 10

I don't know if you're joking or not but if you aren't there's this thing called Google

BikerMike 0

you don't have to say that twice