By iammike - 24/08/2010 22:36 - United States

Today, I saw two cute girls walking my way as I was parking my car. Trying to impress them, I got out and attempted to coolly walk to the sidewalk. I tripped on the curb, scraped both my knees, and was laughed at all the way until I got back inside my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 635
You deserved it 36 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

That's exactly the kind of thing that attracts me. I'm an incredibly clumsy person and I make a fool out of myself on a daily basis. By bumping into things, falling down stairs, tripping over chairs and slipping on water. I would have laughed though.


Ooh, you were walking. Soooooooooooooo impressive.

What is coolly walking? Is that like doing spins or something?

decidedlyvague 11

You either walk cool or you don't, never try! You'll only end up hurting yourself.

Here we observe that idiot in his natural habitat. He often acts incredibly stupid to attract mates; failing each time. Despite this, he still tries.

you should have stood up, walked straight to the girls and said "sorry but I just fell for you"