By iammike - 24/08/2010 22:36 - United States

Today, I saw two cute girls walking my way as I was parking my car. Trying to impress them, I got out and attempted to coolly walk to the sidewalk. I tripped on the curb, scraped both my knees, and was laughed at all the way until I got back inside my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 635
You deserved it 36 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

That's exactly the kind of thing that attracts me. I'm an incredibly clumsy person and I make a fool out of myself on a daily basis. By bumping into things, falling down stairs, tripping over chairs and slipping on water. I would have laughed though.


138 is win! OP it is pretty lame to do things like "walk coolly" to try to impress women... It's on a level with pushing old ladies so girls will think you're cool...

rafiki19 1

today some idiot tried to impress me and my girlfriend, but fell on his face. we laughed until he left.

rafiki19 1

and #46 and 54, "coolier" is not a word.

rafiki19 1

today some idiot tried to impress me and my girlfriend, but fell on his face. we laughed until he left.

rafiki19 1

and #46 and 54, "coolier" is not a word.

UpYoursInAdvance 0

HA! this brought a tear to my eye out of sheer amusement XD