By Hank - 14/05/2009 14:17 - Canada

Today, I scored two prime baseball tickets from a supplier at work. I phoned my dad to tell him the good news. He said that's great, my brother and him would love to see the game. I said, no, I'm taking you to the game. He told me I was being selfish and hung up the phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 794
You deserved it 3 084

Same thing different taste

Top comments's a bit messed up. You were thinking of him and he calls you selfish for it?


#5- Someone gets tickets and wants to take their dad, and they're being selfish? I'm sorry, but the dad is the selfish one here and has a self-entitlement problem. He's not the one who got the tickets, he doesn't get to choose what his son does with him.

Take your brother, unless you have a girlfriend.

Your Dad's an ass. Find someone else to take. He doesn't deserve to go. & you were NOT being selfish.

"Hey Dad! I scored two prime tickets to the morgue. You should take my brother."

mixedcalibaby 0

What an ass!! FYL for having an insensitive and selfish dad. If I were you I'd go with a friend, or go alone and sell the other ticket. I wouldn't give his moocher ass anything!!

liveitlearnit 0

Who in the world would think that if your son calls up with two tickets, he plans to give you both? Your father's logic makes no sense.

TheZephyrSon 3

Wow...that sucks...And #5, I doubt that if you won really nice tickets to something you really wanted to go to, you wouldn't give your ticket away. OP, take someone who won't be an asshole.

gingerkidd369 0

dont you just hate parents sometimes lmao

Julle_fml 0

Obviously you were not being selfish :) Your dad was the selfish one.