By Hank - 14/05/2009 14:17 - Canada

Today, I scored two prime baseball tickets from a supplier at work. I phoned my dad to tell him the good news. He said that's great, my brother and him would love to see the game. I said, no, I'm taking you to the game. He told me I was being selfish and hung up the phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 791
You deserved it 3 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments's a bit messed up. You were thinking of him and he calls you selfish for it?


My Mum recently got a call from her sister about 2 free Bob Dylan tickets. She had the same reaction in thinking that her sister was giving them both away. But when she found out that wasn't what my Aunt was meaning, she went with her happily and they had a great time. That's what your Dad would have done if he was normal. I'm sorry mate, but he clearly isn't!

Wow your dad, sorry but screw him!! Take a friend instead.

Jakester 0

hmmm well in that case, if he acted like that, take your brother to the game, bring a camera and take hella pictures, show your dad some pictures and act like you and your brother had a blast! Revenge my friend, revenge!

Take your brother to the game instead of him. I'm guessing you're not into baseball like your dad and brother. Probably what they're used to.

God, what the hell is wrong with people's parents? What a dick. Go find a hot girl and take her instead or do what #76 says with your brother or a girl. Revenge is best!

klumzy_k 0

thats pretty selfish of your dad, and I'm not trying to justify it, but maybe he thought you had three tickets and thought you were selfish for not wanting to take your brother as well, or maybe he thought you could get more, had you told him how many you had?

wowJJ 0

Invite your brother instead.

Your dad was a jerk in this instance. I mean, he may not be a jerk overall, but in this particular situation... damn. It's already bad enough he assumed you would be giving him both your tickets to take whomever he wanted with him... but then to call YOU selfish when he found out you planned to take him... that's just sad. People who are saying you deserved it or you were selfish in this instance seem like they just enjoy playing devil's advocate. They have to find some fault somewhere.

How can anyone click on YDI for this one ... not much you could do about that now is there?