By Anonymous - 26/10/2009 00:21 - United States

Today, I searched myself on Facebook. I have a fan page made by some girl in Wisconsin. She has pictures of me on it. Can you say stalker? FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 196
You deserved it 5 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let me try. Sttttaallkemgkhgkn. Sorry, I can't say that.

Depends. Do they have subtitles like "He's mine!!!"? If not, go for it!


Given the fact that you were searching your own name you're probably the narcissistic type to get a huge sense of self worth out of that sort of thing.

Um, maybe they searched to make sure they could be found by searching first + last name so they'd know if friends could find them. Goddamn, lay off.

Or to find others with the same name. I've done that.

Hahahah. I think it's cool. If somebody had a fan page of me, I'd be flattered. (while I was getting a restraining order) :)

I would be psyched. Are you kidding me? I have had a stalker but a fan page is cool.

ArthursLifeSucks 2

Enjoy the attention. Maybe she's your soulmate, I suggest you meet at a neutral location to find out :)

Ugh! Don't challenge everyone, OP! Half of the people here can't even do that!

"Today I found that I'm attractive enough that people make internet shrines to me, my wife kept bugging me to cheat on her with supermodels, and my bank said they couldn't fit all of my money into their safes. FML" Seriously, FMLs like this piss me right the **** off.

if it's really as bad as the OP would have it sound, it's no fun. Do we all remember mistercoffee???? It was flattering at first, but after a while, it's really not cool.

DoomJeff91 2

On the subject of users we remember... Plexico? Like really dudes. It's weird to read an fml without seeing a few of his clever comments.

boatkicker 4

Where is Plexico these days anyways? What happened to him ?

girlygirl666 0

What happened with mistercoffee?? And, Where is plexico??

plexico? You mean perdix, now. Profile change. :) misteroffee was banned for being an idiot.

girlygirl666 0

@ intoxicunt-Thanks. I thought so but I wasn't sure..I don't like to assume. Plus I'm slow sometimes- occupational hazard.

DoomJeff91 2

Haha. I was getting all detective on this. I thought Perdix came along and offed Plexico or something.

I'm sorry. I can't say "stalker." I wish I could say "stalker," but, darn it all, I just can't say "stalker."

Ahaha. You watch too much TV. But your version does sound awesome.

Just be thankful you have a fan club. Nah. JK. That's creepy.