By Anonymous - 26/10/2009 00:21 - United States

Today, I searched myself on Facebook. I have a fan page made by some girl in Wisconsin. She has pictures of me on it. Can you say stalker? FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 196
You deserved it 5 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let me try. Sttttaallkemgkhgkn. Sorry, I can't say that.

Depends. Do they have subtitles like "He's mine!!!"? If not, go for it!


so somebody has made a page entirely dedicated to you and you life is F---ed?

denise509 0

if this is my bf im going to hit you! he knows i made him a fan page just for fun!

ykz_44 0

haha well if i was you i would feel flattered. at least she doesnt follow you to your car or anything way creepy..

Beatlesndoherty 0

I have a John Lennon fan page, do I stalk him? Well, I wish I could at least meet him... Anyways, that's really really creepy. Message her and ask her why she has a fan page for you.

I've searched my name before, actually the other day i searched my last name because it's really uncommon and i wanted to see if i could find my long lost relatives. Btw im from Wisconsin, but it wasnt me :P

mark11 0

ur mad because your getting liked???

Ellowise_fml 0

Is she hot? If yes then I don't see the FML.