By Anonymous - 26/10/2009 00:21 - United States

Today, I searched myself on Facebook. I have a fan page made by some girl in Wisconsin. She has pictures of me on it. Can you say stalker? FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 196
You deserved it 5 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let me try. Sttttaallkemgkhgkn. Sorry, I can't say that.

Depends. Do they have subtitles like "He's mine!!!"? If not, go for it!


crzygrl90218 0

heyyyyyyyyyy good for you congrats lol =^) kidding sucks BIG time =^(

mattdaddyryan56 0

YDI for crying about having haters. It just means somebody wants to be like you, you ******* idiot. Cry about it. I love Sarah Buckner.

Happened to my friend in sixth grade. She had this webshow and some girl started taking the videos and posting her on her YouTube page. I mean WTF.

o0o0o the same thingg happened to mee but after the group was created...the creator deleted his/her account so idkk who did but there SO MANY MEMBERS and idkk most of them lolxxx

Making a page doesn't make her a stalker. Breaking into your house and taking pictures of you when you're not looking makes her a stalker. She just has a crush on you. Poor you.

Yikes!!!!! A bit creepy. Ahhh, she just thinks ur hot!

barosp 4

This should actually translate into: today, I found out just how much of a total loser I am, just by realizing I have the time to search for my own name on Facebook... Trust me, mate, having stalkers should be the last thing on your mind right now and maybe getting off welfare should be placed a bit higher on your priority list. Just a thought ;)