By verasam01 - 25/02/2011 00:37 - United States
Same thing different taste
By destiny147 - 30/11/2009 12:17 - United Kingdom
Tact and charm
By Anonymous - 08/10/2011 13:04 - United States
By poop - 08/01/2011 01:31 - United States
By Idek - 30/01/2015 16:27 - Australia - Perth
By Anonymous - 27/12/2016 18:28 - Israel - Petah Tiqwa
By dumped - 01/07/2009 17:25 - United States
By Invisible - 22/05/2009 19:27 - Switzerland
By ForgottenSarahMarshall - 22/05/2014 05:51 - United States - Aubrey
By iStoleTheBrownie - 25/08/2017 01:32
Move on, dude
By Sabrina - 03/09/2019 04:00 - Australia - Canberra
Top comments
Hahaha. That's great.
Kay is currently in a ecstasy induced coma under my bed. The Doctor should be with you shortly. Please help yourself to a magazine and a complementary coffee.
but i hate waiting for the doctor. :(
He said he'd be back in 'five minutes', but you know how the TARDIS can be.
I think he's a bit preoccupied with the Daleks.
look at your username, then rag on people for using facebook. there are plenty of people who use facebook to keep up to date on what's going on in real life. a good deal of my clients connect with me on my professional profile, and i use it as a social and work calendar.
turn it the hell off and go socialise irl. :D
seriously? ur going to rag on millions of people for using a SOCIAL networking site when ur life consists of staring at a screen ALONE shooting people who dont exist? (btw don't get me wrong, I think COD is awesome fun, but when u start saying that a video game is ur life... u really need a new one)
If you ever want to get laid, yes, it is bad.
hahahahahahaha maybe your crush is having a crush on you also(^o^)/
indeed, the fact that he tagged himself proves that he doesn't mind
agree! it's cute actually ;)
its hilarious. actually
that's funny
Reviewing your photos before posting would help for future reference.
Play it cool: Be witty and calm about it. "Yeah, I stalk your Facebook, i even have it bookmarked so you're only a click away. It's a guilty pleasure, more pleasure than guilty." Use it as a chance to flirt, not just let him think you're creepy. Move his tag to a different spot on the picture(breasts, crotch, heart), and ask why he chose that, to tease him. Think on yo feet, woman! =) Use it to your advantage.
omg I'm not worthy to learn from the master.
She might as well just go all out and tell him it's her home page.
WOW!! you're GOOD!!
someones been caught stalking before
haha to the above comment. mate your name is about call of duty? maybe you should get a life or a mrs.
I thought I was reading Cosmopolitan for a second there.
yeh I'm not sure that would work for me but I'd admire the ballsiness for sure.
repeat offender
I would go for something like that. This guy is good...
if he tagged himself not only is he ok with it, he probably likes you too

Play it cool: Be witty and calm about it. "Yeah, I stalk your Facebook, i even have it bookmarked so you're only a click away. It's a guilty pleasure, more pleasure than guilty." Use it as a chance to flirt, not just let him think you're creepy. Move his tag to a different spot on the picture(breasts, crotch, heart), and ask why he chose that, to tease him. Think on yo feet, woman! =) Use it to your advantage.
this made me LOL:) he's AWESOMEEE,